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Be The Person You Want To Be.

"If you have a dream, don't just sit there.  Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality."

-Dr. Roopleen

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As a life & leadership coach, I am trained and certified with the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) and am ELI-MP certified in the Energy Leadership Index™.  iPEC created the Core Energy Coaching™ process which helps bring out the potential in clients.  This powerful ‘shifting perceptions’ approach guides in the creation of new thought patterns, which lead to empowering emotions, which in turn inspire actions that lead the client to create the life they want to live.  


My passion around coaching has everything to do with helping someone set a goal, make plans, tackle barriers and achieve success whether it be helping an emerging leader wanting to accelerate their career or an executive in transition, a team wanting to achieve high performance collaboration, an individual with a challenge or a goal or an LGBTQ+ person navigating their journey.


I am a positive, energetic and relationship driven person.  My core values are Integrity, Growth/Learning and Recognition.  My education, professional experience, credentials and all my life lessons qualify me to be the best I can possibly be for you.

"Work takes on new meaning when you feel you are pointed in the right direction. Otherwise, it's just a job, and life is too short for that."

- Tim Cook


Life Coaching


This service is a favorite among many of my clients as it is often times one of the keys to a happier, healthier lifestyle. I take a holistic approach to coaching, using the Energy LeadershipTM techniques to shift your attitude and perception so you can live the life you want. Together we help you gain clarity around exactly what you want, what you have to do to get what you want, to find the motivation you need, remove barriers and celebrate your successes.


Leadership Acceleration Coaching


Life throws many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to certain situations. With my coaching sessions, you’ll learn about acceptance and how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you.


Team Coaching


Team coaching helps teams reach their goals, while creating a sustainable environment that cultivates long-term excellence and success.    Using coaching paired with a process called ‘High Performance Collaboration’ we start by setting the context for the team (the ‘why’) followed by establishing a clear sense of purpose and agreeing on its intent and the shared work (the ‘what’) - this brings focus and creates an environment to build trust and collaboration (the ‘how’).   Often paired with coaching for the leader, teams can grow and thrive.

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As an HR Change Agent, People Developer and Consultant, I leverage the foundation I built over 25 years in progressive roles with world class organizations.  This includes success in leading company-wide and targeted HR initiatives at enterprises including Kohler Co., Mars Inc., Johnson & Johnson and Novartis.   My passion for creating and implementing processes/systems to enhance succession planning, talent management, organizational development, learning, executive and leadership development, employee engagement and diversity & inclusion are part of who I am. I skillfully design and facilitate meetings and energetically deliver training.  I inspire global teams and build and manage relationships and networks to help others thrive.



The important thing is not to stop questioning.

Curiosity has its own reason for existence.


-Albert Einstein

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Joanna E., Owner,

Coach Marketing Solutions

Brian's insight and guidance has lead me to learn so much about myself, and has helped me grow as a person.  It's safe to say that every relationship in my life has benefitted from coaching. His unwavering and genuine support coupled with his extensive knowledge and expertise has helped me to bring my business to new heights. I'm so grateful to have met him and hired him!


Anna S., Family Physician

Brian is a highly professional coach who brings a wide breadth of experience to his craft.  He has the perfect blend of warmth, openness and intuition that makes me as a client feel comfortable and understood.  Brian accepts the perfect imperfection of being human and validates his clients for arriving at just the right spot on their life journey.  He guides clients without judgement to see the ways in which they are approaching opportunities in their lives.  Brian helped me arrive at powerful insights that are moving me toward achieving greater success and fulfillment.


Rachel T., CEO, The Thomas Crosby Group, Inc.

Brian is an amazing coach. His years of experience and expertise in the corporate arena enhance his abilities as a coach. He helped increase my awareness on interactions in the corporate space. I gained insights on how to approach facilitation in the corporate arena and how to best serve my client. Brian is supportive and encouraging and it was a pleasure working with him.




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I am certified to administer and debrief a variety of assessment tools to help you gain more insight into yourself to continue growing in both your professional and personal life.  This includes, the Energy Leadership Index, MBTI (Meyers Briggs), Situational Leadership, Clifton Strengths, and Insight Discovery.  Interested in learning more?  Don't hesitate to reach out to set up an exploratory call at 954-707-0148, by using the chat window, or submitting the form below




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Brian A. Flanagan


Life and Leadership Coach



Tel: 954-707-0148


202-2300 NE33rd Ave.

Fort Lauderdale, Florida  33305

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